Site Code: KHOV
Manually change to eClose: No
Receive email and click link to access the docs
Username: esign | Password is Polunsky20!
**If getting assigned to other user error, use the NRL login (Polunksy, Polunsky23!)**
Authentication Code: 123456
Click link to review document and download.
While docs are loading go back to ML5 and CTRL-V the number in search in ML5
If loan does not already exist click add and enter the Lender KHOV
Enter the last name and CTRL-V the loan number and then tab, the loan number should be green
Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder
File name will be KHOV-name-1231313 / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER
Order is loaded
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