Highlands VP (HIRES)

Site Code: HIRES

Manually change to eCLose : Yes

USERNAME: ESIGN@mortgagelaw.com or esign@ecloseplus.com

PASSWORD : Polunsky2019!

Receive email and click link to access the docs

Find the name of the borrower in the list and click to access

Next page is the loan detail, CTRL-C the loan number and press the view docs button

Review the docs and CTRL-C to copy the loan number

While docs are loading go back to ML5 and CTRL-V the number in search in ML5

If loan does not already exist click add and enter the Lender HIRES

Enter the last name and CTRL-V the loan number and then tab, the loan number should be green

Enter the closing date, check eClose and eSignable


Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder

File name will be HIRES-name-1231313  / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER

Once saved go back to ML5 and highlight your loan, highlight received and then press edit

Paste the name of the sender and any other address CC’d in the order email here and then hit submit

Order is loaded

If loan DOES ALREADY EXIST confirm it’s complete with doc prep and click the ADD status button and choose received and check ASSIGN TO ESIGN

Type ECLOSE in the box and paste any other address CC’d in the order email here and then hit submit

Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder

File name will be HIRES-name-1231313  / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER

Order is loaded

Last updated byeClosePlus on August 21, 2020
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