Receive email and click link to access the docs The email looks like the photo below, please carefully identify the LENDER highlighted in yellow. We have another lender with a similar email, so double check the lender

Order is loaded
Great Western | Great Western |
Removed | Added |
Added: Site Code: <strong>GWFS</strong> | |
Added: Manually change to eCLose : <strong>No</strong> | |
Added: <br data-mce-bogus="1"> | |
Added: Receive email and click link to access the docs | |
Added: The email looks like the photo below, please carefully identify the <strong>LENDER highlighted in yellow. </strong> | |
Added: We have another lender with a similar email, so double check the lender | |
Added: <img src="" data-mce-src=""> | |
Added: Clicking the link will open a folder containing all docs. | |
Deleted: <p>Site Code: <strong>GWFS</strong></p><p>Manually change to eCLose : <strong>No</strong></p><p><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>Receive email and click link to access the docs</p><p>The email looks like the photo below, please carefully identify the <strong>LENDER highlighted in yellow. </strong></p><p>We have another lender with a similar email, so double check the lender</p><p><img src="" data-mce-src=""></p><p>Clicking the link will open a folder containing all docs.</p><p>Select all docs, to do so click below the last doc and drag upward, this will highlight all the docs in blue. Then right click on the blue area and select <strong>COMBINE IN PDF X-Change Editor</strong> as shown below:</p><p><img src="" data-mce-src=""></p><p>Once opened in PDF X-Change, select “save as” and save to today’s folder.</p><p>There is no need to copy any emails in the notes because they are already there.</p><p><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>Order is loaded</p> | Added: Select all docs, to do so click below the last doc and drag upward, this will highlight all the docs in blue. Then right click on the blue area and select <strong>COMBINE IN PDF X-Change Editor</strong> as shown below: |
Added: <img src="" data-mce-src=""> | |
Added: Once opened in PDF X-Change, select “save as” and save to today’s folder. | |
Added: There is no need to copy any emails in the notes because they are already there. | |
Added: <br data-mce-bogus="1"> | |
Added: Order is loaded |