Site Code: REPUB Manually change to eCLose : Depends – see below
If Docs received in an email:
Receive email and click link to access the docs Username: esign | Password: Polunsky20! *If getting assigned to other user error, use the NRL login (Polunksy, Polunsky23!)** Authentication Code: 1234 Download and save documents to Orders Folder While docs are loading go back to ML5 and CTRL-V the number in search in ML5 If loan does not already exist click add and enter the Lender REPUB Enter the last name and CTRL-V the loan number and then tab, the loan number should be green Submit Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder File name will be REPUB-name-1231313 / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER Once saved go back to ML5 and highlight your loan, highlight received and then press edit Paste the name of the sender and any other address CC’d in the order email here and then hit submit Order is loaded
If we receive email from
Save Loan to ML5 and check the box for “is esignable” Add to the lender field. Check “Select Service” box and click submit Order will be sent to Doc Prep queue and we will receive an email when the order is complete. When Order is complete, download the PBG Docs/ML3 package (Be sure to download the original): Click the ML3 package in documents window > Open document > File > Download Original Save the ML3 package in the Orders folder and combine the ML3 package and closing document package: select both pacakges > Right Click > Combine in PDF Xchange > Save combined package in Orders folder
If a file is sent through the Uploader and comes through as mostly Image/Text (pictured below), use REPUB-IDS as the client ID and then analyze. You can then manually add tags to image documents. If you are still getting mostly Text/Image, use REPUB-RAV. For RAV files there are templates for most of the attorney documents.