Receive email and click link to access the docs

Security National | Security National |
Removed | Added |
Added: Site Code: <strong>SECN</strong> | |
Added: Manually change to eClose: <strong>No</strong> | |
Added: <strong><br data-mce-bogus="1"></strong> | |
Added: Receive email and click link to access the docs | |
Deleted: <p>Site Code: <strong>SECN</strong></p><p>Manually change to eClose: <strong>No</strong></p><p><strong><br data-mce-bogus="1"></strong></p><p>Receive email and click link to access the docs</p><p><img src="" data-mce-src=""></p><p>Username: <strong>esign | </strong>Password: <strong>Polunsky20!</strong> </p><p>**If getting assigned to other user error, use the NRL login (<strong>Polunksy</strong>, <strong>Polunsky22!</strong>)**</p><p>Authentication Code is <strong>1234</strong></p><p>For This Portal: <img src="" width="520" height="621" alt=""></p><p>Password is <strong>Polunsky2019!</strong></p><p>Click Review Documents to Open and Save</p><p>Go back to ML5 and CTRL-V the number in search in ML5</p><p>If loan does not already exist click add and enter the Lender <strong>SECN</strong></p><p>Enter the last name and CTRL-V the loan number and then tab, the loan number should be green</p><p>Submit</p><p>Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder</p><p>File name will be SECN-name-000999999 / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER</p><p>Once saved go back to ML5 and highlight your loan, highlight received and then press edit</p><p>Paste the name of the sender and any other address CC’d in the order email here and then hit submit</p><p><br></p><p>Order is loaded</p> | Added: <img src="" data-mce-src=""> |
Added: Username: <strong>esign | </strong>Password: <strong>Polunsky20!</strong> | |
Added: **If getting assigned to other user error, use the NRL login (<strong>Polunksy</strong>, <strong>Polunsky22!</strong>)** | |
Added: Authentication Code is <strong>1234</strong> | |
Added: For This Portal: <img src="" width="520" height="621" alt=""> | |
Added: Password is <strong>Polunsky2019!</strong> | |
Added: Click Review Documents to Open and Save | |
Added: Go back to ML5 and CTRL-V the number in search in ML5 | |
Added: If loan does not already exist click add and enter the Lender <strong>SECN</strong> | |
Added: Enter the last name and CTRL-V the loan number and then tab, the loan number should be green | |
Added: Submit | |
Added: Go back to the now loaded loan docs, and click the floppy disk icon to “save as” and browse to today’s orders folder | |
Added: File name will be SECN-name-000999999 / Always follow this syntax BANK-BORROWER-NUMBER | |
Added: Once saved go back to ML5 and highlight your loan, highlight received and then press edit | |
Added: Paste the name of the sender and any other address CC’d in the order email here and then hit submit | |
Added: Order is loaded |